International scientific and practical conference “OVERCOMING SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHALLENGES: EUROPE TOGETHER WITH UKRAINE” (18-19.05.2022, online)

On 18-19 May, 2022, the International scientific and practical conference “OVERCOMING SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHALLENGES: EUROPE TOGETHER WITH UKRAINE” was held in online format in Kyiv. The event was organized by the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University as part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet project – Jean Monet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies” (SCAES) 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR with the support of National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project).

The event was attended by more than 90 participants from various universities and cities of Ukraine: students, young scientists, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers, teachers, representatives of professional communities and civil society.

The best European practices in overcoming the social and cultural challenges of the current geopolitical crisis were discussed at the conference. In particular, the issues of inclusive education, intercultural competence and resilience, universities of the third age, development and implementation of social innovations in education and society, current issues of the socio-cultural sphere in the conditions of war in Ukraine and geopolitical crisis in the world were considered.

During the event, Petro Krainik, manager of the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded Project), gave a presentation on “Support of the European Community for Ukraine within Erasmus+ and other programs”.

NEO-UA presentation (P. Krainik)

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